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By 9:04 pm

Hey guys
I'm sorry for the lack of activity on this blog but I haven't really had time to read anything lately. I know I have commitments as a blogger but it's hard to get into the swing of reading with school getting in the way. Thankfully Term 3 of school ends on Thursday so I'll be able to get back into reading in the holidays BUT I have to start studying for my exams next term which is in week 4 so I don't know when my next posts will be. You may get the occasional review for a book.
Currently I'm reading The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey and it's great. The start is a little slow and hard to get into but I think I'll love it in the end.
After that I'm thinking of reading in this order:

  1. Throne of Glass
  2. The Elites
  3. Crown of Midnight
  4. Vivian versus the Apocalypse. 
These are all books I got for review in exchange for an honest review. 
So again sorry for the lack of activity on this blog but school gets in the way!
- Francoise


  1. We totally understand! School first before blogging :P well, that's my rule though I break it sometimes. I'll still continue to check out your awesome blog! Goodluck on your studies get'em A's lol.


  2. Good luck for your exams and study Francoise! Good to see you sticking to the priorities. We'll be here when you get back. x
