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Review Policy

As a blogger, I put a lot of time and effort into each and every post and I always stay honest which I think is very important when reviewing books. I accept books for reviews from publishers and author's so if you are interested please contact me either in the comment section or on the contact me page. I will always try and keep my reviews positive but I still want to keep my opinion honest which you can always trust and guarantee. I don't mind whether the book is well known or not because I think the purpose of reviewing books is to state my opinion and give it publicity.    

There are just a few guidelines to follow:

  • I only accept Young Adult (teen) books
  • I am not very picky with my genres but I really love: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, Greek Mythology and Contemporary. I accept anything other than those genres as it is always good to have variety.
  • Must include in contact information: Title, Author, Publisher, Genre and expected date received
  • Format (pdf, eBook, Paperback, Hard-cover) I prefer physical copies as reading on my laptop hurts my eyes. 
I will be sure to reply to you as soon as possible. If you don't follow these guidelines I will decline the offer.
Thank you